Cómo asar berenjenas en el microondas

Roasted eggplant at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers Market, where USDA employees from the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), and Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) volunteer as ‘VegUcators’ conducting free 10-minute fruit and vegetable classes at the VegU tent, where people learn how to how to pick, store, and prepare Roasted Eggplant Dip (Baba Ghanoush) in Washington, D.C., on Friday August 5, 2016. During this season of the outdoor USDA Farmers Market, 26 recipes will be taught at the VegU tent. Their scheduled demonstration dates are the peak harvest time to look for these foods. The goal is to increase fruits and vegetables in meals and help people understand what is in season. Guests can receive a free recipe card, and can start shopping for ingredients at the market.

Para que salgan perfetas debes cortarlas en su medida exacta, darle el tiempo y el grado justo y escoger la mejor variedad. Eso sí, el resultado te encantará y podrás comer muy sano.

Los mejores trucos de cocina